Yami yami

7:09 pm

Had an ultrasound practical today at 11am and so I had to fast for a minimum of 4 hours. I sorta stuck to it but had breakfast at 7am on the bus.

I was starving by the time 11 am rolled around and I volunteered to be scanned first so I could eat straight after. We scanned the kidneys and abdominal aorta to get a feel of how to undertake the examination. It was lots of fun (:

Headed to Box Hill for lunch to have Korean, but the place was closed. Ended up at Yami Yami to have Ten Don - temporal prawns on rice. It was fairly nice albeit a little too oily and no punch. Had to get some chili sauce for that extra flavour depth. For $10 it wasn't too bad, very full now :D

Ten Don - $10

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