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Sydney April 2012 - Day 2

11:45 pm

Waking up on Saturday morning at 7:30am, chirpy as ever, I managed 3 hours sleep but felt wide awake! A little crazy! My room mate was silly curled up in bed from the night before, we eventually decided to go to Paddy's Market to explore a little bit of Sydney.

Cup of camomile tea for a pick me up Saturday morning 

Foggy Saturday morning in Sydney

Headed down to Paddy's Market on Sydney's "Light Rail" i.e. a tram

Paddy's Market, full of knick-knacks, fake goods and miscellaneous items!

HUGE ceiling fan!!

Lots of fake handbags at Paddy's Markets
After Paddy's Market, we headed back to the conference to watch a few more presentations. I met a few more people from Sydney Uni, and we had a good chat. When I introduced them to my room mate she commented on how I was "Miss-Social-Butterfly" because I knew so many people, and they knew me. I laughed :)

I received a ticket for the Gala Dinner on Saturday night after spending the rest of the afternoon talking to many of the vendors and sales reps. Had to head to Harbourside Mall to buy a dress for the dinner as I wasn't expecting to go! We spent the afternoon getting dolled up for the dinner and went to party it up again!

Entree at the Gala Dinner

One of the desserts that night

Photobooth pictures!
It was a blur of a night really, met some new faces and chatted to one guy for a good few hours. It's a small world cause he lives in the same suburb as me! It was nice to meet someone who likes food :) After the gala dinner, a large group of us headed to the Watershed and a sale rep paid for entry for all of us on his company card! The same guy walked me back to my hotel which was lovely of him, cause it's just a little scary late out on the streets of Sydney! Didn't get back til 2:30am, I was running on a huge lack of sleep already!

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