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Tin Hau Temple Macau

5:27 pm

This amazing Tin Hau Temple in Macau is near the A-Ma Goddess Statue. We really wouldn't have made it here if we were travelling just by ourselves. When we traveled to Macau, it was mid September and the climate was very hot and humid, even more so than Singapore. I've never sweated so much in my life than in Macau! 

This temple is situated at the top of a hill on the Cotai Island. Our wonderful friend brought us here by car, and you most likely wouldn't travel here as a tourist on foot as the walk up is probably reserved for fit aunties and uncles on their morning walks!

The Tin Hau Temple is one of the most beautiful and intricate temples I have seen throughout Asia, and I was blown away by the detail put into it. Unfortunately the sun was glaring down on us when we were there and I didn't manage to take nice pictures of the temple and it's grounds, but rest assured, if you could get there it is well worth the trip!

It may be a blessing that the Tin Hau Temple is situated so far away from the hustle and bustle of the Portuguese old town of Macau and Cotai Strip. As the tourists would not think of come here, it had the peace and serenity of what a temple should be like. 

Afterwards, we walked through the old streets of Macau, turning back time to the era of Portuguese settlement. The bright colours of the houses are wonderful to see, and you can just see the ruin of St Paul's peeking through the background. 

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